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Battambang Airport redevelopment project started

28 Mar 2024
The Battambang Provincial Airport, inactive for over 30 years, is set to reopen and expand to accommodate international flights.

Discussions in a recent meeting, attended by local officials and aviation experts, focused on expanding the airport to meet "4C" classification standards. Plans include rezoning land for the airport's expansion, addressing boundary issues, conducting impact studies, and compensating residents within the airport's area. The current size of the airport compound is approximately 128ha, but a total area of 200ha is required to qualify for the 4C class.

The initiative, initiated during the previous government's term and continued under the current administration, aims to boost the province's socio-economic development, particularly in tourism and agriculture. Originally opened in 1967, the airport ceased operations during the Khmer Rouge regime, briefly reopening for military use before closing in 1991.

Specific timelines for the reopening were not confirmed by the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation spokesperson.

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