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Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport to renovate low-cost Billi terminal

26 Feb 2024

The Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport is set to undergo significant renovations on its low-cost Billi terminal, aimed at enhancing the passenger experience. The transformation, part of the airport's renovation plan, is scheduled over the next five years, starting with an expansion of the Billi terminal.

This initial phase, beginning in October 2024 includes a 600sqm extension on the city side, replacing the current external Starbucks Coffee Shop, without additional soil waterproofing. The renovation aims to improve public reception, traveler comfort, commercial offerings, and restroom facilities, featuring a new 10-meter tall contemporary entrance, adjustable louvers, and large fans to enhance air quality. The second phase, starting in early 2026, involves constructing a central building between halls A and B, the airport's two main terminals.

The airport handle 6,6 million passengers in 2023. 

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