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Cruzeiro do Sul International Airport needs ILS

17 Oct 2023

In a meeting with the Minister of Ports and Airports, federal deputy Zezinho Barbary requested the installation of the Intrument Landim System (ILS) equipment at Cruzeiro do Sul International Airport. This airport serves seven cities in the region and faces challenges during the rainy season and unfavorable weather conditions. Flight delays and cancellations are common, causing complaints from passengers. Barbary emphasized that installing ILS would improve safety and efficiency at the airport.

Barbary also urged the inclusion of several municipalities in Acre in the National Traffic System (SNV). These municipalities, including Cruzeiro do Sul, Santa Rosa do Purus, Jordão, Marechal Thaumaturgo, and Porto Walter, are located along rivers and rely on water transport. They require safe facilities for loading and unloading of people and goods.

Minister Silvio Costa Filho has given assurance that these municipalities will be included in the SNV, and the acquisition of ILS equipment for Cruzeiro do Sul Airport is under consideration in terms of cost and benefit.

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