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Dublin Airport launches Mobile Passport Control (MPC) at pre-clearance for US travel

28 Jan 2024
Travelling to the United States from Dublin Airport just got even easier with the launch of Mobile Passport Control (MPC) at pre-clearance. MPC allows travellers to complete a part of their immigration process before presenting at our pre-clearance facility, cutting wait times even further.

Through the free and secure MPC app, eligible travellers can submit their travel document, photo, and customs declaration information, removing the need to complete a paper form. As a result, travellers can look forward to shorter wait times, less congestion & more efficient processing. 

According to Graeme McQueen, Media Relations Manager at daa, the operator of Dublin Airport: "The launch of Mobile Passport Control at our pre-clearance facility in Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport is great news for the more than one million passengers who use it every year. The app means passengers are able to easily upload their documents in advance of arriving at the airport, which should mean quicker processing times, less queuing and more time to relax at the airport ahead of their flight to the US. We're sure passengers are going to love it."

The MPC app is a free application that can be downloaded from the Apple App store and Google Play and is currently available for eligible travellers to use upon arrival at MPC approved sites. 
More details about Mobile Passport Control can be found here:

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