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Lufthansa complains about lack of innovation at Munich Airport

25 Jan 2024

Lufthansa has expressed concerns about a lack of innovation at Munich Airport, which is its second-largest hub. Lufthansa's Chief Operating Officer, Karl Brandes, stated that Munich Airport has not made as much progress in recruiting personnel and modernizing processes as Frankfurt Airport. Brandes acknowledged the challenges in hiring new staff but emphasized the need for digitalization, automation, and artificial intelligence to address labor shortages and modernize aircraft handling processes at all airports.

Munich Airport's CEO, Jost Lammers, disagreed with Lufthansa's criticism, stating that they are working closely with Lufthansa on personnel recruitment and various innovation projects. He highlighted recent achievements, including hiring over 1,000 new employees and implementing innovative technologies like CT scanners and biometric technology.

Lufthansa had previously criticized Frankfurt Airport for punctuality and efficiency issues but now believes that improvements are being made. However, bottlenecks on the ground and a shortage of new aircraft have limited Lufthansa's ability to meet strong demand, especially for long-haul travel. Lufthansa aims to continue growing while avoiding overloading the overall system.

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