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Wilmington International Airport gets funding for terminal access road and curb front improvements

16 Feb 2024

In January, leaders of the Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) have unveiled plans to expand Wilmington Airport (ILG) following a record-breaking year. The $12 million expansion project includes adding food services, increasing the passenger holding room by 6,000 square feet, and ultimately adding a second gate for boarding passengers. The DRBA has allocated $6.6 million in its capital improvement plan and is seeking federal grants, including from the Federal Aviation Administration, to fund the project. The aim is to address current inefficiencies due to the airport's outdated terminal, which can only accommodate one plane at a time and has limited passenger throughput. The renovation plan also encompasses parking and exterior improvements. Additionally, ILG aims to maintain its core destinations while considering adding a second airline to attract more travelers. Parking concerns are being addressed by acquiring adjacent properties for expanded parking lots.  

Now, the Wilmington International Airport (ILM) announced that it received a $4 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on February 15. The grant will be used to partially fund the expansion and realignment of the terminal access road and curb front, as part of ILM's 5-year $175 million capital program. Airport Director Jeff Bourk highlighted the importance of funding the capital program to accommodate the airport's growing passenger numbers.

The project aims to replace an old road, improve parking and traffic flow, enhance accessibility, and simplify drop-off and pick-up processes. 

Additionally, $5.6 million in federal money will help fund an ambitious terminal expansion beginning this year. It will expand the passenger boarding area's footprint by 6,000 square feet and upgrade onsite facilities such as bathrooms. 

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